Overview - DFA/ASP

The research of the Department of Education and Learning / University of Teacher Education investigates the reality of educational and training systems, didactics and situational learning through multiple theoretical and methodological approaches. In dialogue and collaboration with the actors of the school system and the national and international scientific community, the Department supports the development of knowledge and its dissemination in schools and society.

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. Applied research

Based on the work of five competence centres, two laboratories and eight areas, research is a central element of the mandate of the Department of Education and Learning / University of Teacher Education. Understood as a service to schools, teachers and the wider community, the knowledge and knowledge developed is transferred to the education sector, disseminated throughout the territory and shared with the national and international scientific community.
  • 70
    Active projects
  • 190
  • 14
    Research centres
  • 127
    People active in research

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L'approccio interdisciplinare della ricerca in SUPSI

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